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Vester Kopi tager ansvar for miljøet. Vi er certificeret, som en af ​​de mest bæredygtige virksomheder i vores branche. Vores produktion i Rødovre er certificeret i overensstemmelse med strenge standarder givet af Svanemærket. Det betyder fx at vi:

  • benytter svanemærket papir, blæk og toner i vores produktion
  • sorterer affald og sørger for at genbruge materialer
  • tilbyder levering med cykelbud
  • benytter strøm fra norsk vindkraft

Miljøgebyret er 3,48 procent af en ordre og dækker vores udgifter til bæredygtig drift. Synliggør dit miljø-engagement og få trykt Svanemærket på din opgave mod et mindre gebyr. Kontakt os og modtag et gratis ikke bindende tilbud. 

Læs mere om hvad Svanemærket betyder for print produktion.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Vester Kopi is the leading company in Denmark for print and related services. We are 50 professionals, servicing about 6,000 customers in Denmark from our seven branches in urban centers. The following report details how we pursue a strategy in coherence with the United Nations (UN) sustainable development goals (SDGs) for 2030.

We share the sentiment that small and medium sized companies are vital in achieving the SGDs put forward by UN. While we cannot approach SDGs in a similar manner as government or global companies, we take bold steps to better the world every day.

Transparency is key to our business model. Our success depends on it. We may not hold the means of global companies to invest in monitoring schemes that allow for reporting in numbers and percentages. However, we are able to report on our concrete efforts towards a better world.

The following report details how we incorporate UN SDGs into our overall strategy to offer excellent quality print and service in Denmark. Relevant SDGs from the UN 2030 plan serve as an overview of the action we take for sustainable development.

Faithfully yours,

William Schulin-Zeuthen
CEO and owner of Vester Kopi ApS